“The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” ― Thucydides
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webmaster with any additions for this list
15th Infantry Leaving For China (1900)
by American Mutoscope & Biograph
15th Infantry Returns From China to the Port of Tacoma, WA
by CriticalPast
The Third Division In Korea (1956)
by The Big Picture
To Hell and Back (1955)
by Universal Pictures
1-15 Gunnery at Fort Stewart
1-15 Returns Home from Iraq, 2010
1-15 IN 2012 Kuwait deployment
by 1st Battalion
Ola Mize, Medal of Honor, Korean War
Baker Boys: Inside The Surge
by GigaPix Studios, Point Prod., Sandbag Prod.
1-15 NTC Overview
The General George C. Marshall Story
by The Big Picture
Hold At All Costs (2010)
by Dini Films International
Audie Murphy Discusses WWII (1963)
by Armed Forces Radio
The Greeks in Korea (English subtitles)(5 Parts)
by Nikos Déjà vu
Korea 1951 Artillery Blasting Hill 477 (1951)
by Combat Photographer
They Also Serve: the Gardiners
by Fort Benning TV
Outpost Harry, Korean War. The Veterans. Greeks & Americans vs Chinese
by Archangel Films
3-15 Changes Command in Ukraine - 26 May 2016
By SSG Jonathan Norris
3-15 Overwatch Mission in Wardak Province, Afghanistan
by SGT Brittany Armstrong
The Lay of the Land
by Armed Forces Network
US 15th Infantry troops do calisthenics in Casablanca, French Morocco
by CriticalPast
Articles, Books, and Papers
A Cause Greater than Self: The Journey of Captain Michael J. Daly
by Stephen J. Ochs
Against All Odds
by Alex Kershaw
America's Tenth Legion: X Corps In Korea, 1950
by Shelby L. Stanton
Annual Report of the Secretary of War
by War Department
An Infantryman's Memories of World War II - 15th Infantry - Third Division
by Troy D. Cox
Anzio: Epic of Bravery
by Fred Sheehan
Battle Diary         
by John H. Toole
Blue and White Devils: The Story of the 3rd Infantry Division
by the Stars & Stripes
Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama
by Walter Lynwood Fleming
Cold Ground's Been My Bed - A Korean War Memoir
by Dan Wolfe
Correspondence Relating to the War with Spain Including the Insurrection in the Philippine Islands
and the China Relief Expedition, April 15, 1898, to July 30, 1902 - CMH Pub 70-28
by Graham Cosmos
Day Of The Panzer: A Story of American Heroism and Sacrifice in Southern France
by Jeff Danby
Dogface Soldier: The Life of General Lucian K. Truscott, Jr.
by Wilson A. Heefner
Dogface Soldiers: The Story of B Company, 15th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division - From Fedala to
Salzburg: Audie Murphy and His Brothers in Arms
by Daniel R. Champagne
Ebb and Flow November 1950 - July 1951
by Billy C. Mossman
The Embattled Past: Reflections on Military History
by Edward M. Coffman
First to the Rhine: The 6th Army Group in World War II
by Harry Yeide and Mark Stout
Fort Selden, 1865-1891, The Birth, Life, and Death of a Frontier Fort in New Mexico
by Allan J. Holmes
From Tennessee.; Letter From Lookout Mountain. The Performances Of The Regular Brigade
During The War. Their Casualties And Losses. NY Times June 27, 1865
by Benjamin C. Truman
Frontier Regulars : The United States Army and the Indian, 1866-1891
By Robert M. Utley
Guide to the Battle of Chickamauga (The U.S. Army War College Guides to Civil War Battles)
by Matt Spruill
Hazardous Duty
by John Singlaub
History of the Third Infantry Division in World War II
Edited by Donald C. Taggart
I Remember: Stories of a Combat Infantryman in World War II
by John Shirley
Infantry, Part I: Regular Army - CMH Publication 60-3
by John K. Mahon, Romana Danysh
Korea 1951-1953 - CMH Publication 21-2
by John Miller, Jr and Owen Carroll
Letter Marked Free: A Powerful and Gripping Account of a Combat Soldier in WWII
by Robert Lynch
Mobile: A New History of Alabama's First City
by Michael Thomason
MOROLAND: The History of Uncle Sam and the Moros 1899-1920
by Robert A. Fulton
Northwest Africa: Seizing The Initiative in the West - CMH Publication 6-1-1
by George F. Howe
Occasional Paper 24  - Savage Wars of Peace: Case Studies of Pacification in the Philippines,
by Robert D. Ramsey, III
Occasional Paper 25 - A Masterpiece of Counterguerrilla Warfare: BG J. Franklin Bell in the
Philippines, 1901-1902
by Robert D. Ramsey, III
Outpost Kelly: A Tanker’s Story        
by Jack R. Siewert
Riviera to the Rhine - CMH Publication 7-10-1
by Jeffrey C. Clarke and Robert Ross Smith
Salt Warriors: Insurgency on the Rio Grande         
by Paul Cool
Sicily and the Surrender of Italy - CMH Publication 6-2-1
by LTC Albert N. Garland and Howard McGaw
Smyth Assisted by Martin Blumenson
South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu
by Roy E. Appleman
Statistical Record of the Armies of the United States
by Frederick Phisterer
Stillwell and the American Experience in China 1911-1945
by Barbara W. Tuchman
Surging South of Baghdad, The 3rd Infantry Division and Task Force Marne in Iraq, 2007-2008
by Dale Andrade
Texas Aggie Medals of Honor: Seven Heroes of World War II
by James R. Woodall
The Battle of Pickett's Mill, Along The Dead-Line
by Brad Butkovich
That Body of Brave Men - The US Regular Infantry and the Civil War in the West
by Mark Johnson
The American GI in Europe in World War II: The March to D-Day
by J.E. Kaufmann and H.W. Kaufmann
The Army in the Pacific
by James C. McNaughton
The Army Of The United States, Historical Sketches Of Staff And Line With Portraits Of
Edited By T.F. Rodenbough and W.L. Haskin
The Dragon Chronicle - History of the 15th Infantry from the Civil War to the Present
by G. Lee Cotter
The Fifteenth Infantry Regiment 1861-1953
Editor in Chief 1LT Murray Olwell
The Gallant & Meritorious Conduct of Col. Oliver L. Shepherd
by T. M. Jacobs
The History of the 15th Regiment in World War II        
Editor Robert C. McFarland
The Korean War-The Chinese Intervention
by Richard W. Stewart
The Old Army: A Portrait of the American Army in Peacetime, 1784-1898
by Edward M. Coffman
The Old China Hands         
by Charles G. Finney
The Personnel Replacement System in the United States Army - CMH Pub 104-9
by Leonard Lerwill
The Regulars: The American Army, 1898-1941         
by Edward M. Coffman
The Regular Brigade Of The Fourteenth Army Corps, The Army Of The Cumberland, In The Battle
Of Stone River, Or Murfreesboro’, Tennessee, From December 31st, 1862, to January 3d, 1863
by Frederick Phisterer
The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders, 1789-1878 - CMH Pub 30-13
by Robert W. Coakley
The United States 15th Infantry Regiment in China, 1912-1938         
by Dr. Alfred Cornebise
The War of Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
by The US War Department
3rd Infantry Division in Korea
Editor Captain Max W. Dolcater
Thunder Run        
by David Zucchino
To Hell and Back        
by Audie Murphy
Treading Softly: U.S. Marines in China, 1819-1949         
by George B. Clark
Truce Tent and Fighting Front
by Walter G. Hermes
Warlord Cowboys In China: The Fred Barton Story of the Worlds Greatest Horsedrive
by Larry Weirather
We Called It War!        
by Denzil Batson
We Were Innocents: An Infantryman in Korea        
by William D. Dannenmaier
When The Odds Were Even - The Vosges Mountain Campaign
by Keith E. Bonn
XVIII Airborne Corps Desert Storm Chronology 24-28 February 1991 Ground Offensive Combat
by XVIII Airborne Corps Staff
Contact the webmaster with any additions for this list
Articles, Books, and Movies
These are articles, books, and movies about or related to the 15th Infantry.